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How to Create a Business Boosting-Podcast for Health Coaches
First Section
Why You Should Start a Podcast for Your Health Coaching Business (3:16)
Q@A Introduction Part 1 (120:37)
Q@A Introduction Part 2 (44:00)
Module 1: How to Pick a Podcast Topic, Select the Right Name and Description, and Pick the Right Format for Your Audience (14:29)
Module 2: Identifying and Building an Audience (3:27)
Module 3: Podcasting equipment and software (4:41)
Module 4: Finding Guests and Building Connections with Industry Experts and Celebs (34:51)
Module 5: Developing and Implementing Your Launch Strategy (14:56)
Module 6: Post-Launch Strategy (15:18)
Module 7: How to Monetize Your Podcast (46:41)
Conclusion (1:16)
Module 2: Identifying and Building an Audience
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