Do any of these hit home?

Do the holidays typically bring dread as you anticipate gaining the usual Holiday Weight, already pushing you a step back from your New Years Resolution?

Is holiday stress your constant companion, leading to emotional eating as a coping mechanism?

Are sleepless nights a painful routine that leaves you drained, prone to cravings, and unable to stay on course?

Is your mindset suffering, causing a negative relationship with food and a battle with self-sabotage?

Are you feeling imprisoned by unhealthy eating habits and the need to curb sugar for a healthier life?

Is your motivation waning, making it difficult to stay committed to your health goals alone?

Have you experienced the agony of failed resolutions, needing an early win to rekindle your self-belief?

If this strike a chord, embarking on a strategic holiday weight loss program is the lifeline you need to rewrite your story, escape the cycle of disappointment, and turn your New Year's health resolution into a success story worth celebrating.

The Solution?

The Thrive Method

What is the THRIVE Method?

Are you ready to make 2024 your healthiest and happiest year yet? We're excited to introduce our transformative weight loss course tailored exclusively for women. Say goodbye to the old habits and embrace a new, healthier you with our six-pillar approach:

The THRIVE Method

THRIVE" - Training, Habits, Rest, Intake, Vigorous Exercise, Empowerment

Pillar 1: Training
No need to spend hours at the gym. Our exercise plan is tailored to women like you. You'll learn efficient workouts that maximize results, ensuring you're stronger, leaner, and full of energy as 2024 unfolds.

Pillar 2: Habits
Old habits die hard, but they don't have to. We'll help you establish empowering habits that support your weight loss goals. In 2024, you'll effortlessly incorporate these habits into your daily life and finally achieve the lasting change you've been striving for.

Pillar 3: Rest/Sleep
Sleep is your body's best friend when it comes to weight loss. Our program ensures you're getting the restful, restorative sleep you need. In the new year, you'll wake up feeling refreshed and ready to conquer your fitness goals. No matter where you are in your sleep regiment, we will drastically improve the quality and quantity of sleep.

Pillar 4: Intake of Sugar

Say farewell to those sugar cravings that have been holding you back. Our course equips you with the knowledge and strategies to kick that sugar addiction to the curb. Imagine entering the new year without the constant need for sugary snacks and drinks.  We show you where the sugar hides and the keys to conquer your sweet tooth.

Pillar 5: Value Driven Diet
Forget about restrictive diets and calorie counting. We'll show you how to nourish your body with delicious, satisfying meals. Imagine entering the new year with the confidence that your nutrition is on track, supporting your health and weight loss.

Pillar 6: Empowerment
Weight loss is a mental game just as much as a physical one. Our course will prepare your mind for success. As the new year approaches, you'll have the mental resilience to stay committed and overcome any obstacles in your path.

Positioning for the New Year
Imagine this: when January 1st comes around, you won't be making the same resolutions as everyone else. You'll already be on your journey to a healthier, fitter, and happier you. While others are just starting, you'll have a head start on your goals, with the knowledge and tools to succeed.

Don't let another year go by without taking control of your health and well-being. Be the best version of yourself in 2024, starting right now.

Course Benefits

By enrolling in our course, you'll receive:

Comprehensive guidance on the six pillars for effective weight loss.
Personalized support from our expert instructors.
Access to a community of like-minded women on the same journey.
Tools and resources to track your progress.
Strategies for maintaining your success throughout the year.

The new year is just around the corner. Don't let it sneak up on you. Secure your spot in our transformative weight loss course today and take the first step toward making 2023 your best year ever. Join us, and let's make your goals a reality.

Make a promise to yourself for the new year and take action today. You deserve the health and happiness you desire. Join our course now and get ready to embrace a vibrant and confident new you in 2024!

Rahsaan Robinson, MS, CSCS, RSCC

•Rahsaan Robinson is a pioneering force in the fitness and performance industry. With an illustrious career spanning over two decades, Rahsaan has earned an impressive track record, helping numerous individuals unleash their potential and achieve transformative results. 


•A true expert in his field, Rahsaan holds a master’s degree in sports science and rehabilitation, granting him a deep understanding of the human body and its potential for greatness. His academic prowess is complemented by hands-on experience, working with elite athletes within the Brooklyn Nets organization, busy executives, and a diverse clientele seeking optimal performance and well-being. 

Omar Cumberbatch

•Podcast Host of This Podcast Burns Fat!

•Health Coach and Weight Loss Specialist

•Founder of the Health Coach Academy

Are You Ready????